Hotel Herbal Regulations
Welcome to Hotel Herbal!
The company managing the facility, Castellum, and a wide group of our employees will highly value your cooperation in complying with these Regulations, which is intended to ensure a peaceful and safe stay for both you and as well as our other Guests.
§1 Subject of the regulations
- A guest within the meaning of these regulations is a person using the hotel services.
- The Regulations define the rules for the provision of services, liability and staying at the Hotel. It is an integral part of the contract, the conclusion of which takes place by signing the registration card by the Guests and by performing other activities related to the guarantee of the stay - in particular by making a reservation and / or paying the entire amount due for the stay at the hotel. By performing the activities listed in the previous sentence, the Guest confirms that he has read and accepts the terms of the Regulations.
- The regulations apply to all persons staying at the Herbal Hotel.
- The regulations are available at the reception desk and can also be downloaded from the website
- The hotel reception is the guardian, advisor and informant of the Guests (extension number 100 - available from phones in the rooms).
§2 Check-in
- A hotel room is rented for hotel days.
- The hotel day lasts from 3 p.m. to 12 p.m. the next day.
- If the Guest did not specify the duration of the stay when renting the room, the default time is one day.
- A request to extend the stay beyond the period indicated on the day of the Guest's arrival should be reported to the reception desk by 10:00 am on the day of the original departure at the latest.
- The hotel will take into account the request to extend the stay, subject to room availability.
- The Hotel reserves the right to refuse to extend the Guest's stay at the Hotel if the rooms are not available or if the Guest fails to make the payment for the previous period of stay.
- The payment for the stay is collected from the Guest upon check-in for the entire stay in advance.
- If the Guest resigns from the stay during the day, the fee for the unused part of the day is not refunded.
- Guest for an additional fee in the event of failure to meet the conditions set out in §2 para. 4 and 5 may extend the hotel day. The fees for this service are as follows:
- extension of the hotel day until 20:00 is subject to a fee in the amount of half the hotel day rate applicable on a given day,
- extension of the hotel day by any additional hour after 20:00 is subject to a fee in the amount of the full hotel day rate applicable on a given day and is carried out subject to room availability.
§3 Reservation and check-in
- The basis for the Guest's check-in is the age of majority, presentation of an identity document with a photo at the Reception, as well as completing and signing the registration card.
- Minors may stay at the Hotel only during their stay with a guardian.
- The hotel guest may not transfer the room to other people, even if the period for which he has paid the fee for the stay has not expired.
- Persons who are not checked in at the hotel may stay in a hotel room from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm - after prior notification of this fact at the hotel reception and obtaining consent.
- The Hotel may refuse to accept a Guest who has grossly violated the hotel regulations during the previous stay, causing damage to the property of the hotel or Guests, or damage to the Guest, Hotel employee or other people staying at the hotel, or who otherwise disturbed the peaceful stay of Guests or the functioning of the facility.
- The hotel reserves the right to block funds on the Guest's credit card (pre-authorization) or collect a cash deposit in the amount of the entire stay and additionally up to PLN 300.00 / day for additional services.
- The Hotel will charge the Guest in accordance with the terms and conditions set in the booking in the event of cancellation after the free cancellation deadline and in the event of a no-show.
§4 Accommodation services and additional services
- The hotel provides services in accordance with its category and standard.
- The night silence in the Hotel is valid from 22:00 to 6:00.
- In the event of reservations regarding the quality of services, the Guest is asked to immediately report their reservations at the Reception, which will allow the staff to react and improve the standard of services provided.
- The hotel provides:
- Conditions for full and unrestricted rest for the Guest.
- Security of the stay, including the security of keeping the information about the Guest secret.
- Professional and courteous service in the field of services provided.
- Cleaning the room and carrying out the necessary repairs of the devices possible during the Guest's absence, and in his presence, when he expressed such a wish.
- Renting a technically efficient room. In the event of defects that cannot be removed immediately, the hotel will make every effort to change the room or otherwise mitigate the inconvenience, if possible.
- At the Guest's request, the hotel provides the following services free of charge:
- Providing information related to the stay and travel.
- Wake up at the appointed time.
- Storing money and valuables during the Guest's stay at the Hotel. The Hotel may refuse to accept luggage on dates other than the dates of the Guest's stay and luggage that does not have any features of personal luggage or luggage containing hazardous materials.
§5 Responsibility of the Guests
- On the Hotel premises, children under the age of 13 should be under the constant supervision of their legal guardians. Legal guardians will be financially responsible for any damage caused by the actions of the children.
- The hotel guest bears full financial responsibility for any damage or destruction of the equipment and technical devices caused by his fault or the fault of people visiting him. The hotel reserves the right to charge the credit card after the Guest's departure for any damage caused during his stay, including the exclusion from the use of the room which is not allowed for sale due to damage caused by the Guest.
- Tariff of fees for damage and non-standarlarged cleaning:
- Non-standard cleaning - 200,00 PLN
- misappropriation/damaging a small towel - 50,00 PLN/piece
- misappropriation/damaging a towel - 100,00 PLN/piece
- misappropriation/damaging of bedding - 500,00 PLN/set
- misappropriation/damaging a hair dryer - 300,00 PLN
- damaging furniture - 500,00 PLN/piece
- Tariff of fees for damage and non-standarlarged cleaning:
- In the event of a breach of the Regulations, the Hotel may refuse to provide services to the person who breaches them. Such a person is obliged to immediately comply with the Hotel's requests and settle the amount due for the services provided so far and any damages, and then to leave the hotel.
- When leaving the room, for safety reasons, the Guest is obliged to turn off the taps and check that the door is closed and, in the event of leaving the hotel premises, to leave the key at the reception desk. For its loss, the Hotel will charge the Guest with a fee of PLN 50.
- The key can be collected only after prior presentation of an ID card with a photo or a residence card.
- After entering the room and leaving the room, the Guest should close the door carefully and check that it is really closed. In the event of a defect in the mechanism, report the fact immediately to the Reception.
- The hotel is strictly non-smoking. The hotel will charge the Guest with a fee of PLN 500 for failure to comply with this prohibition.
- Due to fire safety, it is forbidden to use heaters, electric irons, cookers, cylinders and other similar devices that do not constitute room equipment in the hotel rooms. Irons belonging to the facility should be used with all precautions, turned off immediately after discontinuation of use and put away in a way that does not pose a fire risk.
§6 Responsibility of the hotel
- The hotel is liable for the loss or damage of items brought by persons using its services to the extent specified by the provisions of the Polish Civil Code in Art. 846-849.
- The guest is obliged to notify the Reception about the damage immediately after its discovery.
- The hotel is liable for the loss or damage of money, securities, valuables or items of scientific or artistic value only if these items are deposited at the Reception.
- The hotel reserves the right to refuse to accept items of high value, significant amounts of money, items threatening safety and large-size items that exceed the possibility of storage in the hotel deposit.
- The hotel is not responsible for damage or loss of a car or other vehicle belonging to the Guest, items left in it and live animals, regardless of where the vehicles have been parked.
§7 Return of items left by the Guest
- Personal belongings left in the hotel room by the Guest on their departure will be sent to the address indicated by the Guest at their expense, in accordance with the DHL courier company tariff for individual customers.
- In the event of not receiving such an instruction, the Hotel will store these items for three consecutive months, and then will act in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in Art. 183-188 of the Civil Code and the executive regulations issued on their basis (Regulation of the Council of Ministers of June 14, 1966 on lost property - Journal of Laws No. 22, item 141, as amended).
- Due to their properties, medicines and food will be stored for 24 hours.
§8 Complaints
- Guests have the right to file a complaint in the event of noticing any deficiencies in the quality of the services provided.
- All complaints are accepted by the Reception.
- The complaint should be submitted in writing, on the form available at the reception desk, immediately after noticing the deficiencies in the standard of services provided.
§9 Additional provisions
- The hotel accepts pets for an additional fee of PLN 50.00, however, their owners are obliged to remove any waste caused by pets left behind and to properly protect them against damage to the property of the hotel and other Guests. In the event of damage and impurities impossible to be removed by the Guest, the Guest is obliged to immediately contact the Reception. The guest will be charged in the event of any additional costs for restoring the room to its previous condition, including the relevant fee for the out of service hotel room.
Additional details regulating the rules of staying with an animal can be found in a separate document available at the Reception. - It is forbidden to store dangerous goods, weapons and ammunition, flammable, explosive or illuminating materials or other items posing a threat to property, health and life in hotel rooms.
- The guest agrees to the processing and storage of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926; as amended) by Castellum sp. Z o.o. with headquarters in Wrocław at ul. Świdnicka 31, 50-066 Wrocław for the needs of the Guest's stay at the Hotel, the Guest's use of other services provided by the Hotel. The guest has the right to inspect their personal data and correct them.
- It is forbidden to conduct canvassing and door-to-door sales, as well as gambling activities.
- Apart from a slight rearrangement of furniture and equipment, which does not affect their functionality and safety of use, guests are not allowed to make any changes to the hotel rooms.